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Water Quality

RMA is able to assess existing or future impacts on Water Quality and Resources to ensure appropriate mitigation is put in place to control any adverse effects.

There are two key current issues with regard to water quality and water resources. Firstly, recent legislation is aimed at tightening controls on discharges and abstractions.  Secondly, planning controls are being enforced on water demand associated with new development projects.

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) aims to improve the biological and chemical quality of our inland waters to a minimum ‘good’ ecological status.  However, this impacts on existing and future businesses as well as future developments.  The principal effect of the WFD is to more closely regulate existing or proposed discharges to or abstractions from the aquatic environment.  Where an existing or proposed discharge or abstraction is likely to affect a receiving water, an assessment will be required to establish the current and predicted chemical and biological status of the watercourse including the design of management measures to control any significant impacts.

Water resources in parts of England are under pressure and proposals for new abstractions or an increase in demand (such as that from a new housing development) need to carefully consider the sustainability of resources.

Our key water services are:

  • Water Quality Monitoring – Chemical & Biological
  • Aquatic Ecological Assessment
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment Feasibility Studies
  • WQ Modelling
  • Chemical Risk Assessment
  • Water Quality and Resource Impact Studies
  • Sustainable Water Use Studies
  • Environmental Permitting
  • WFD Assessments