Do you have a Development Project we can help with?

Environmental Impact Assessment Consultant – Langley Park, Chippenham

Contact an environmental impact assessment consultant for advise on a development project. We have provided a project example: Langley Park, Chippenham.

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was undertaken to support a planning application for the redevelopment of a 23 hectare industrial site for a mix of land uses in Chippenham, Wiltshire. The proposals included residential, commercial, employment, retail and leisure uses. The site had been in industrial use since the late 1800s. Which has accommodated a number of industrial and commercial units, some of which were vacant.

RMA co-ordinated a multi-disciplinary team of environmental specialists to undertake the EIA. Which involved assessments of air quality, noise and vibration, archaeology and cultural heritage. In addition ecology and nature conservation, townscape and visual character, soils, geology and contamination, water quality and hydrology, traffic and transport and socioeconomics.

Detailed photomontages and illustrations of the proposed evelopment were prepared to establish the impact to key viewpoints. A comprehensive analysis of contamination status was undertaken.  And a full remediation strategy provided to manage historical contamination during the construction process. The project focused on finding solutions to mitigate for any adverse environmental impacts identified during the EIA process. It was demonstrated that the proposals would result in a beneficial impact after mitigation measures (principally due to the visual improvements and remediation of historical contamination) and contributed to the successful granting of planning permission.

Project Details






Residential & Commercial