Do you have a Development Project we can help with?
Grange Road, Southwark, London – Flood Zone 3 FRA
Rich Investments were looking to demolish existing commercial buildings on Grange Road in Southwark and develop seven residential apartments on the site. The site is located within Flood Zone 3 of the River Thames and, as such, the planning application required a Flood Risk Assessment to support it.
Large areas of London are located in Flood Zone 3 of the River Thames but are provided protection by the Thames Barrier and riverside defences, as was the case for Grange Road. However, flood defences are not infallible and the Environment Agency have prepared a number of modelling scenarios which assess what would happen if the River Thames defences were to fail, referred to as residual flood risk.
RMA acquired this information from the EA and were able to demonstrate that there was no significant residual flood risk as a result of the River Thames defences failing but that further mitigation was required to provide a factor of safety. Through negotiation with the Environment Agency, we were able to agree a suitable mitigation measures which met their requirements, whilst not effecting the viability of the scheme. As a result the planning application received full planning permission through delegated powers.
Project Details
October 2016
Rich Investments