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Environmental Planning Consultants
RMA are environmental planning consultants, commissioned to provide environmental planning support for an outline planning application for up to 1,600 new homes on the outskirts of Braintree in Essex. A number of technical chapters were prepared by RMA for the Environmental Statement including Air Quality, Noise & Vibration, Agricultural Land Quality and Water Quality & Hydrology as well as the preparation of a Flood Risk Assessment and Utilities Statement.
The scope of the assessments included comprehensive consultation with statutory bodies including the Environment Agency, Anglian Water and Braintree District Council as well as the attendance at a Public Meeting.
However, noise modelling was undertaken to demonstrate that noise levels within the proposed new homes would be suitable for residential use in relation to background noise from adjacent roads. Advice was provided to the design team on the location and orientiation of dwellngs to minimise noise effects.
In addition, an FRA and outline drainage strategy was prepared for the site including a review of the Environment Agency’s hydraulic model for the River Brain to provide advice on the appropriate siting of houses and roads in relation to flood risk from the river.
In addition can provide a rnage of environmental services. For more information click here
Project Details
RST (London) Limited