Breach of Flood Defences – Lincolnshire

A breach of defences along the River Steeping has caused severe flooding at Wainfleet All Saints in Lincolnshire. The town is located in Flood Zone 3 (high risk) although is afforded protection by flood defence embankments.

On 14th June 2019, defences were breached when a section of embankment failed. Allowing flood waters to inundate the town and leading to hundreds of people being evacuated from their homes.  RAF Chinook helicopters dropped over 100 tonnes of sand to fill the breach and high volume pumps helped reduce flood levels.

Breach flooding at Wainfleet All Saints acts as a reminder of the importance of assessing the risk of breaches in defences for potential future development.  In particular, it is necessary to consider the standard of protection afforded by a defence. And whether proposed development sites would be safe in a breach event.  This includes assessing potential flood depths and emergency egress routes.

Flood Risk Assessments

RMA are able to provide Flood Risk Assessments (FRA) to support planning applications where the site is at risk of a breach or failure in flood defences.  Advice can be given in relation to acceptable types of development where defences are present. Recommendations can be provided on appropriate mitigation measures.

For example, much of London is located within defended Flood Zone 3 and we are able to analyse modelling data from the Environment Agency. To determine site specific extents and depths likely to occur in a breach of the River Thames defences.

RMA have completed FRAs with an assessment of breach flooding in a number of London Boroughs including Hammersmith and Fulham, Kensington and Chelsea, Lambeth, Southwark, Greenwich and Wandsworth. Find out more on our Flood Risk page

If you have a project that we can assist with you can contact us or send an enquiry here

Or Call us on: 01884 842740
