Do you have a Development Project we can help with?

Environmental Planning

RMA is able to assist at all stages of the environmental planning process, from the provision of specialist technical advice at the site acquisition stage, through to the preparations of specialist technical reports for planning and the discharge of planning conditions.

Planning applications for new developments often require specialist environmental studies to be carried out.  For instance, they can take a variety of forms including Flood Risk Assessments, Ecology Surveys, Tree Surveys or Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments and Environmental Appraisal Reports covering several environmental topics in a single document.

We are able to provide the full range of environmental services. These include all the technical disciplines required to build a full environmental planning team.

Our team of specialists has many years of experience in environmental planning.  We have worked together on a large number of successful development projects across the UK.  The key technical services that we are able to offer include the following environmental disciplines:

  • Air Quality & Odour
  • Arboriculture
  • Archaeology & Cultural Heritage
  • Climate Change
  • Ecology & Nature Conservation
  • Flood Risk
  • Landscape & Visual Impacts
  • Noise & Vibration
  • Socio-Economics
  • Soils, Geology & Contamination
  • Sustainability
  • Traffic & Transport
  • Water Quality & Hydrology