
Do you have a Development Project we can help with?

 Environmental Planning Consultants covering the South West, London and the UK


Specialising in Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Planning, Flood Risk Assessment, Land Contamination, Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment.


Our expertise includes coordinating and project management of full Environmental Impact Assessments for residential, commercial and infrastructure projects throughout the UK

Environmental Impact Assessment

Services include EIA Screening, EIA Scoping and Project Management including the provision of a multi-disciplinary team of technical specialists

Environmental Planning

We are able to provide technical specialists in all environmental assessment disciplines and for a wide range of project types and locations


Our technical expertise includes water resources, land contamination, ecology, landscape, archaeology & cultural heritage, air quality and noise

Flood Risk Assessment

The RMA team are able to provide a range of hydrological services including Flood Risk Assessments, conceptual drainage strategies and hydraulic modelling


Key services include flood risk screening, full FRAs, hydraulic modelling and outline surface water drainage strategies

Water Quality

Another specialism is our technical expertise in water quality monitoring, aquatic impact assessments and environmental management and the design of mitigation measures


Including carrying out water quality monitoring and assessment as part of environmental management programmes for industry and to assess environmental quality

Explore Recent Work

RMA was formed in 2009 to provide environmental planning support for development clients in a responsive, cost effective and technically robust manner

Our Core Values

The RMA team are committed to providing sustainable environmental advice and solutions to support a broad range of development and regeneration projects

IEMA membership logo

Latest News

Keep up to date with our latest news and blog posts in relation to key development projects or current environmental or sustainability issues.

Check out the latest news below:

Client Portfolio

Previous and existing clients include developers, planning consultants, architects, consulting engineers, government bodies, regulators and commercial businesses as well as other environmental consultancies

Environmental  Consultants based in Exeter and London

Solutions for Flood Risk, Environmental Impact Assessment, Contaminated Land Assessment, Environmental Planning and Water Quality Assessment

Call or send us an enquiry today

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